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  • Writer's pictureherstrike

A Letter to You

A letter to you, It’s been almost a year since we intended on launching. A year of not much but also a whole lot. A year of downs and very few ups. For some a long year of isolation and a year of somewhat hibernation. For some there was freedom, whilst for others there were restrictions.

It’s been almost a year since our team was together. A year without planning and a year without meeting face to face. A year envisioned to create together, yet instead we did it apart. It’s been a year of cancellations and a year full of sleepless nights. For some of us there was travel, whilst for others there were strict lockdowns. It’s been almost a year since we have posted but far from a wasted year. It’s been a year of self-improvement and a year of chasing dreams. Although you couldn’t see it, we have improved whilst being apart. We’ve cried and laughed and shaped and moved and found a better side. It’s been almost a year since we have seen each other. A funny kind of year. But we know it’s helped for us to have better stories and experiences to share.

It’ll be a year of newfound passion and a year of fun and games. A year of us and a year of you and a year to be involved. We’re sorry that we made you wait but we are so happy to finally be here.

We can’t wait to finally get started,

Holly-Lace, Izzy, Addy & Rani

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