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O captain, my captain!


The captain of our ship. Fierce and fearless in her voyage through the rough seas, aiming to steer the ship into unknown waters and beyond. 


Holly-Lace has never liked travelling the easy road (or should we say waters), always challenging those around her to do better and be better, even when that has felt uncomfortable. An extremely caring individual but a brutally honest one with a heart of gold and when it comes to football and creating sustainable, healthy and equal environments, her passion runs deep. 


Holly-Lace has previously been a business owner of a family day care before pursuing a career in football, working as the Women’s Development Officer in both Tasmania and Northern NSW, working and travelling with the Junior Matildas and the Matildas, Head of Youth Football at Taroona Football Club and most importantly (we think anyway) the founder and driving force behind Her Strike. Her relentless and passionate personality rubs off on all she meets, leaving a lasting impression wherever she travels. 



Master of Words 


A self-proclaimed writer and blogger (of a blog she's never let anyone read...yet!), a mental health advocate, and someone who supports those around her.


Like the Tasmanian Native hen, Addy contributes to the care of the young, protects those around her and is a bit of a pest, but the good kind, the kind that keeps on checking in on you. She is quiet yet strong and understands that words can be powerful, in both the most hurtful and most inspiring ways.


Addy has played football in Tasmania, Victoria and has experienced trials at higher levels. Addy has studied at University, is well regarded as an excellent coach, works as a Nanny, and although at times she questions her success, it is evident that she is the life support of so many around her.

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Creative Genius 


An old soul with the curiosity of a child. Intelligent, wise and extremely knowledgeable, yet a little bit awkward and a whole lot cheeky, inquisitive, and adventurous.


Izzy is a dreamer with an imagination bigger than what her own head can hold. Izzy’s mind reminds us of Alice travelling through Wonderland, lost but in the most magical and quirky way and if you ever get to witness her on the football field you'll know exactly what we mean. With experience playing both in Tasmania and the United States, she constantly keeps spectators on their toes with her unpredictability. 


Graduating with a Bachelor of Communications, majoring in Media studies, Izzy brings Her Strike to life by capturing the untold stories, the unseen pictures and the unheard voices. She sees the little things that others miss and finds a way to ever so delicately portray them in the way they deserve. 


Jack of all Trades


Often regarded as the life of the party, Rani lights up every room she enters. She has a skill of effortlessly making everyone feel included. People tend to gravitate towards her, due to her exceptional ability to make others feel welcome through her larrikin ways and personable individuality.


Underneath all the jokes and humour is a well-educated, well rounded person who is highly regarded in both her sporting and working life. A successful overachiever in all areas of her life, Rani has a knack for learning new things in almost an annoyingly quick amount of time. Whether it be in music, sport, random hobbies or in her career, she is an extremely switched-on individual who doesn’t commit to anything half-heartedly.


With a double degree in Sport and Exercise Science and Business, Rani has previously played and worked in Football both in Tasmania and NSW and is currently working for Communities, Sport and Recreation in women’s policy and programs. Rani brings the perfect combination of brains and wit to our team. 

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