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Our Vision

A future in which football clubs are inclusive, safe, and taking responsibility for the environment

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Our Mission

To educate football communities to be more holistic and to take on Her Strike's mind, body, and land philosophy

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Our Values

Her Strike's core values are respect, creativity, and ambition

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Who Are We?

We are a small and passionate team of best friends who share a desire to strike up conversations through football.


With over a decade of friendship under our belts we have put our creative heads together to provide an organisation that we believe gives something a little bit different.


With football at the heart of our vision, we look to use it as a tool to unite the community, and to provide an all-round better world to live in. 


With the aim to create, connect, and inspire, Her Strike uses a holistic approach to focus on all areas that impact our health and wellbeing; our mind, our body, and our land. Through football, Her Strike aspires to engage and empower individuals and communities to form supportive environments that positively impact our world.

Our History

Her Strike began in 2011 when Holly-Lace, with the support of Horticultural and Landscape Supplies, printed out women's football newsletters to hand out at local Tasmanian matches.


A Her Strike Conference in 2011 proved that the organisation could be so much more than just a newsletter. It brought the element of story telling into the mix and propelled Her Strike into a new direction, a community that highlights the many voices within the game. 


The organisation quickly built a following and became highly regarded within the footballing community, demonstrating the demand for such a forum within the state. In 2012 a website was built with thanks to Solstice Digital. Her Strike continued to provide clinics and information about the women's game up until 2017 when a career opportunity led Holly-Lace out of the state.


After a 3-year hiatus she linked up with her creative partners, Adelyn Ayton, Izzy Ottavi and Rani Cavarretta, to rebuild and reform the Her Strike brand into something more purposeful and integrated, with a new website being launched in 2021. 



Our Language

Her Strike is mindful that there are diverse expressions of body, relationships, gender and biological sex. All language evolves and changes.


Using respectful and inclusive language means we check in with the person about how they identify and the pronouns they use for themselves. Yes, we are "Her" Strike, but we aim to create a safe, welcoming space for all.


Let us know if you have any suggestions about how we can be more inclusive and welcoming.

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